As part of the PATIenTS program, the RUISSS Université de Sherbrooke is launching its project to support the reinforcement of the trajectory of services for people with common mental disorders in primary care (Projet SoutienTMC).
Launched in 2022 by the Unité de soutien SSA Québec in collaboration with the province's four Réseaux universitaires intégrés de santé et de services sociaux (RUISSS), the SSA-RUISSS teams have completed their recruitment.
Through the PATIenTS program, the activation of the Québec learning health system (LHS) is being carried out in the RUISSS territories of Québec through four tangible projects over a one-year period.
The Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec is proud to announce the launch of the SSA-RUISSS teams in Québec. The Unit thus ensures that the four University Health and Social Services Networks (hereafter referred to as RUISSS) are firmly anchored in the field.
By promoting approaches based on the principles of the learning health system and patient-oriented research, this program supports qualified young researchers.