We strive to develop CREMs (Clinician-reported experience measures): self-reported measures by healt…
PREMs (Patient-reported experience measures) are self-reported measures that provide insight into ho…
PROMs (Patient-reported outcome measures) are self-reported measures used by patients to track the r…
Support the transformation of data to knowledge applicable to informed decision-making….
These services are aimed at any person or organization working in the field of health research and w…
Provide support (information, exchange, recommendations) to ensure that issues relating to equity, d…
Consulting, reviewing and networking services for the economic evaluation of healthcare system traje…
These services are aimed at any team or organization working in the field of healthcare and social s…
Guidance to understand how to access data, data quality and data security….
We offer coaching and support in technopedagogy to any person or organization working in healthcare …
We help you set up a new partnership approach (recruitment/training) or consult patient partners….