
Patient First: Improving the trajectory of oncology care and services in Québec

The aim of Patient First is to provide better support for cancer patients and their families in Québec. How can we do this? By improving their cancer care and services trajectory. This is a unique patient partnership project, since the issues to be addressed by the teams were raised by Oncopole's partner patient committee.

Since 2020, this grant program has been offered by Oncopole, the cancer pole of the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), and the Unité de soutien SSA du Québec, with the collaboration of the Programme québécois de cancérologie (PQC) of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS).

It supports research projects aimed at providing better support for cancer patients and their families in Québec. How can we do this? By improving their cancer care and services trajectory. The Patient First grant is unique in terms of patient partnerships, since the issues to be addressed by the teams were raised by Oncopole’s partner patient committee.

Issues raised by the Oncopole Patient Partners Committee

Free translation based on the FRQS

Experience of care

  • Functional and economic impact of cancer and its treatment
  • Information and self-management needs of patients
  • Interventions to meet psychosocial needs

Effects and outcomes of care

  • Mechanisms of late and long-term effects and factors predictive of high risk
  • Information needs of patients and their families
  • Monitoring mechanisms to identify late effects and their repercussions
  • Interventions to prevent and mitigate medical and psychosocial late effects

Organization of care

  • Interventions to improve the consistency, coordination and integration of follow-up care, including transitions between care levels

Cross-cutting themes

  • Involving patients and their families in research and decision-making processes concerning programs, policies or the care trajectory and its interactions with the healthcare system
  • Improving strategies and mechanisms so that patients and their families can obtain reliable information
  • Applying knowledge to communicate and deliver results in an understandable and relevant way

2018-2019 grant

  • 4 MM
  • Launched in February 2018 by the MSSS, the Graham Boeckh Foundation (FGB), the FRQ-S and the unit.
  • Development and evaluation of pilot projects for mental and physical health services adapted to the needs of young people aged 12 to 25.
  • The MSSS launches “Aire Ouverte” initiative following competition

2022-2023 grant

  • 4,7 MM over 5 years
  • Launched in June 2022 by the MSSS, the Graham Boeckh Foundation (FGB), the FRQ-S and the unit
  • Generating knowledge, supporting a culture of continuous improvement, enhancing the “Aire Ouverte” initiative and making it part of a learning healthcare system

The Unit’s contribution

A number of resources are available to teams, notably through the Unité de soutien SSA Québec, which can offer consultations tailored to the projects and needs of research teams in the following areas:

  • Learning health systems
  • Capacity building
  • Data organization and management
  • Patient/public partnership
  • Health economics
  • Dta to knowledge
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Indigenous health
  • PREMs (patient-reported experience measures) and PROMs (patient-reported outcome measures)

Learn more about the program (in french)

Announcing the winners of the Patient First 2022 edition