
Aire ouverte: Evaluative research to support continuous improvement of services offered to Quebec youth and learning organizations

Thanks to this program, research contributes to the continuous improvement of health and social services offered to young people in Québec.
22 February 2024

The Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), in partnership with the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux du Québec (MSSS), the Graham Boeckh Foundation (GBF) and in collaboration with the Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec, have deployed a program that uses evaluative research to support the continuous improvement of services offered to young Quebecers aged 12 to 25, as part of the Aire ouverte integrated services network.

The Aires ouvertes network aims to meet the needs of young people from a global health perspective that includes mental health, psychosocial aspects, sexual health and all spheres of life that contribute to young people’s well-being. The Aires ouvertes are places where 12 to 25 year-olds are welcomed and receive health and social services adapted to their needs.

The program La recherche évaluative en soutien à une amélioration continue des services offerts aux jeunes du Québec et à des organisations apprenantes (Evaluative research in support of continuous improvement of services offered to young people in Quebec and learning organizations) generates knowledge and supports a culture of continuous improvement by enhancing the “Aire ouverte” initiative and making it part of a learning healthcare system.

2018-2019 grant

  • 4 MM
  • Launched in February 2018 by the MSSS, the Graham Boeckh Foundation (FGB), the FRQ-S and the unit.
  • Development and evaluation of pilot projects for mental and physical health services adapted to the needs of young people aged 12 to 25.
  • The MSSS launches “Aire Ouverte” initiative following competition

2022-2023 grant

  • 4,7 MM over 5 years
  • Launched in June 2022 by the MSSS, the Graham Boeckh Foundation (FGB), the FRQ-S and the unit
  • Generating knowledge, supporting a culture of continuous improvement, enhancing the “Aire Ouverte” initiative and making it part of a learning healthcare system

Find out more about the 2022-2023 grant (in French)

The Unit’s contribution

Since 2018, the Unité de soutien SSA Québec has been a proud partner of the Aire Ouverte program. The Unit offers consulting expertise, including tools and training, tailored to the project and the needs of the funded team in the following areas, in particular:

  • Patient/public/organizational partnership
  • Implementation and change management
  • Skills development, training and mentoring
  • Ethical and transparent optimization of data management
  • Data to knowledge methodology
  • Health economics
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion and gender analysis
  • Indigenous health

Nearly $6 million to continually improve services for young people in Québec

The Unit is pleased to continue supporting the Aire Ouverte initiative as part of its targeted grants program.

Jan 24, 2024
Read more about Nearly $6 million to continually improve services for young people in Québec