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Best Practice Guidelines for Engaging People with Lived Experience in Mental Health/Substance Use Health Research
By following these guidelines, research teams can ensure that people with lived experience of mental health and/ or substance use and their families contributions are genuinely valued and effectively integrated, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of the research and fostering authentic collaboration.
Self-reported well-being assessment approach for healthcare workers
How can we assess the self-reported well-being of healthcare workers? Here is an approach and the study that made it possible.
Assessing the impact of Canadian primary care research and researchers
Our colleagues France Légaré and the late Pierre Pluye are among the fifty most-quoted Canadian primary care researchers in Canada. Robert Reid, author of the Learning Health System Action Framework, is also on this list. It’s encouraging to see that the LHS, patient partnership, collaborative research and scaling up, to name but a few, are attracting significant interest.
Denis Côté is a regional continuous quality improvement agent. He is a facilitator in the RUISSS Université Laval territory. In this article, he evokes the transition from a culture of health and social services professionals cooperating without strong cohesion to an intrinsically collaborative organization united around inspiring common intentions.
Enhancing interprofessional collaboration for unattached patients in primary care
This study shows a significant increase in the delivery of comprehensive care for patients without a regular family doctor, from 13% to 43%, thanks to interprofessional collaboration. Nevertheless, it highlights the need for structural improvements and training to maximize the effectiveness of this collaboration.
The concept of learning organizations
What are the 5 interdependent disciplines essential to building a learning organization, according to Peter Senge?