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- Virtual event: Building Québec's Learning Health System together
- Vision and mission
- Web accessibility
- Welcome
- "Building Québec's Learning Health System Together" summit: A Shift to Partnership and Continuous Improvement
- 18 videos to help you do participatory research
- 2022-2023 Activity Report by the Unité de soutien SSA Québec
- 2023-2024 Activity Report by the Unité de soutien SSA Québec
- 5 Ways Patient Partners Can Be Involved
- 5 winners of the Learning Health System Poster Competition
- 5 young learning health systems leaders win new Junior 1 career fellowship
- A former Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec fellow will lead the Patient-Reported Indicator Surveys (PaRIS) initiative in Quebec
- A framework for evaluating patient and public engagement in research
- A framework for value-creating learning health systems
- A guide for researchers: building stronger partnerships with patients and community members
- A new cohort of fellows!
- A new name and a new website!
- A patient partner on the transition committee that will prepare the merger of Santé Québec
- A PhD candidate will use the TorSaDe cohort
- A practice facilitator for continuous quality improvement initiatives including COMPAS+
- Abstract: Primary care nursing competencies in Canadian undergraduate nursing programs: A national cross-sectional survey
- Activity Report 2021-2022 by the Unité de soutien SSA Québec
- AHRQ Patient Safety Tools and Resources
- Aire ouverte: Evaluative research to support continuous improvement of services offered to Quebec youth and learning organizations
- Alexandra De Pokomandy named Scientific Codirector of the SSA-RUISSS McGill team
- An Indigenous Patient Circle is launched in Quebec
- An infographic summarizes how to activate Québec's learning healthcare system
- Annual meeting of the French and English-speaking indigenous patient partners circles of the Unité de soutien SSA Québec
- Antoine Groulx receives the ASPQ Sustainable Health Research Distinction Award
- Appointment of a designated scientific director
- Assessing the impact of Canadian primary care research and researchers
- Best Practice Guidelines for Engaging People with Lived Experience in Mental Health/Substance Use Health Research
- Best practices to maintain patient engagement in virtual mode
- Better identifying potential high users of emergency services: a real learning health system in Québec
- Beyond experiential knowledge: a classification of patient knowledge
- Call for applications: seeking postdoctoral fellow
- Canada-wide survey of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and patient-reported experience measures (PREMs)
- Canadian English translation and linguistic validation of the 13-MD to measure global health-related quality of life
- Caregiving and decision regret: Dr. Hélène Elidor publishes a systematic review in collaboration with the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec
- CHI Patient and Public Engagement Budget Builder
- CLARET project on meta consent to use health data in research: preliminary results
- Clinical Trials Quebec: your resource for discovering clinical research
- Cohort Profile in the International Journal of Epidemiology: The Care Trajectories—Enriched Data (TorSaDE) cohort
- Community Engagement Support - Request Form
- Competency framework for collaborative practices and care partnerships
- CONECT-6: the first case-finding tool to rapidly identify patients suffering from chronic disease with complex health needs
- Continuous quality improvement services for family medicine clinics and family medicine groups
- CoPaQ: Measuring health care costs for patients
- COVID-19 video - Being a caregiver who contributes to research: how and why?
- COVID-19 video: Patient-oriented research in a pandemic: how and why?
- COVID-19 video: What does it mean to be a patient partner during the pandemic?
- Creation guide for a composite gender score
- Cultural Safety in Indigenous Health Research Context: a report of recommendations drawn from an unprecedented round-table discussion
- Decision Aid for Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Do you know the patient partner community "Expériences"?
- Dr. Alain Vanasse is a recipient of the Innovation Québec – Janssen Partnership
- Dr. Anaïs Lacasse creates a gender index thanks to TorSaDe
- Dr. France Légaré has contributed to a document produced by the Observatoire européen des systèmes et des politiques de santé
- Dr. Marie-Dominique Beaulieu appointed to the Order of Canada
- Dr. Pierre Pluye received the NAGS Doctoral Teaching Award
- Écosanté: enhancing knowledge, competencies and collaboration opportunities related to health economics
- Effects of ethical climate in association with tenure on work addiction, quality of care and staff retention: a cross-sectional study
- ENGAGE: participatory methods and visual and auditory tools to get vulnerable populations involved in research
- Enhancing interprofessional collaboration for unattached patients in primary care
- Environmental Scan: The use of patient-reported experience and outcomes (PREMs and PROMs)
- Equity and inclusivity in research: co-creation of a digital platform with representatives of marginalized populations to enhance the involvement in research of people with limited literacy skills
- eSRAP: Collaborative monitoring system of trends in patient-oriented research
- Expériences Magazine: living with illness and care
- Find out what's a learning health system in 60 seconds
- Fonds de recherche du Québec scholarship: a focus on patient-oriented research
- FORMS - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- From medicine to the learning health system: the journey of Dr. Antoine Groulx
- GRIDS - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- GUIDES - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- How knowledge exchange in primary health care research can benefit people with diabetes: A qualitative study was presented by an SRAP fellow
- How to meaningfully and equitably involve patients and the public in scaling up: upcoming publication of a study protocol
- Impact of printed educational materials for health professionals: a new Cochrane systematic review with support from the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec
- Improving a care trajectory related to respiratory infections: RUISSS McGill activates the PATIenTS program in its territory
- Improving practices and the trajectory of services for people with common mental disorders in primary care: the RUISSS Université de Sherbrooke activates the PATIenTS program
- Improving the trajectory for people without a family doctor going through the Guichet d'accès à la première ligne (GAP): the RUISSS Université de Montréal activates the PATIenTS program
- Improving the trajectory of seniors in the transition from home to residential care: RUISSS Université Laval activates the PATIenTS program
- Inclusive Practices in Participatory or Partnership-based Research with socially excluded persons
- Informing the development of the SUCCEED reporting guideline for studies on the scaling of health interventions: A systematic review
- Innovative synergy between Québec universities and their research teams: the unité de soutien SSA Québec is recruiting
- Interactive ‘road map’ for patient-oriented research teams now available in French
- INTERACTIVE SITES - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- ISSaQ 4.0: Innovation Scalability Self-Administered Questionnaire
- Jason Robert Guertin et al. publish a systematic review of economic evaluations based on observational data in cardiology
- Journey Through Public and Patient Engagement in Health Research: A Road Map
- Karina Prévost named co-leader of patient-partner community Expériences
- Learning Health System Leaders in Quebec's 4 University Health and Social Services Networks
- Learning resulting from a multicentric study: a new article by Marie-Eve Poitras and her team as part of the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec demonstration project
- Lessons learned in our rehabilitation facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: to be ready next time
- Letter of commitment to financially support the involvement of a patient research partner
- List of improvements to ease the transition between home and Long-term care facilities (CHSLD)
- LISTS - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- Marie-Eve Poitras represents Canada at the OECD as part of the PaRIS-Survey international survey
- Marie-Thérèse Lussier named scientific codirector of the SSA-RUISSS team Université de Montréal
- Measuring quality of life at work for healthcareand social services workers: A systematic reviewof available instruments
- MEDomicsLab: Integrative Modeling of Heterogeneous Data in Medicine
- Microsite on patient partnership in research: interactive tour, resources and testimonials
- MND Living Labs: Innovation in research to facilitate transitions and trajectories for people living with a major neurocognitive disorder and their relatives
- Module 101 – Basis of patient partnership
- Module 201 – Patient partnership in research: the first steps
- More citizen engagement on the territory of the Université Laval RUISSS
- Mr. Kenneth George, patient partner, passes away
- Nearly $6 million to continually improve services for young people in Québec
- New mission for the Unité de soutien SSA Québec: supporting the continuous improvement of the health system
- New PATIenTS program: 4 tangible projects to improve life trajectories in Quebec
- New provincial leadership for continuous quality improvement in the health and social services network
- New shared-decision aid for high users of health care services and their care teams
- Nomination of a Provincial Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator
- Online training on patient engagement in continuous quality improvement
- Our postdoctoral fellow Amédé Gogovor and his colleagues publish an analysis on the challenges and solutions of integrating sex and gender considerations in knowledge translation
- PADA: a Collaborative Digital Platform for Authors of Healthcare Decision Aids
- Patient and Public Engagement Planning Template
- Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- Patient and Stakeholder Partner Profile / Biosketch
- Patient Engagement Quality Guidance
- Patient Engagement Quality Guidance Tool
- Patient First: Improving the trajectory of oncology care and services in Québec
- Patient partnership evaluation grid
- Patient skills framework
- POR in support of clinical and organizational transformations in local care and services
- Postdoctoral fellowship in capacity building and professional development - call for applications
- Practical guide - Partnership strategy with patients and the public in research
- Practical guide to the coach patient profile
- PREMs and PROMs Toolkit: Patient-reported outcome and experience measures
- Professor Pierre Pluye passes away
- Program for scholarship holders
- PROMIS® is the tool of choice for patient-oriented research worldwide
- Proper usage of sex and gender in studies of shared decision-making intervention: an assessment by Dr. Lionel Adisso and the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec
- Quebec decision aid tool for lung cancer screening
- Québec LHS Portal: the Unit supports the Québec health and social services network
- Quebecers believe that the well-being of health care teams and science should guide health care decisions above all else
- Questionnaire for measuring human gender in research
- Rapid and Rigorous TransCultural Adaptation (RR-TCA) methods
- ReaffectMD designated as the official Quebec platform for tracking and reassigning medical staff during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Research grant applications: Sensitive Approach to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in Research
- Roadmap for partnering with patients, families, and caregivers in a Learning Health System
- Roles of Team Members in the Research Process: Defining Roles and Responsibilities
- RUBRICS - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- SCPOR Patient-Oriented Research Level of Engagement Tool (PORLET)
- Self-reported well-being assessment approach for healthcare workers
- Snapshot of the use of Teleconsultations
- SSA-RUISSS teams to build Québec's learning health system capacity in the field
- Stories from the field: Inclusive Care
- Systematic Review of Patient Decision Aids
- TABLES - Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- Teaming
- TEMPLATES: Patient and Public Engagement Toolkit
- The Community of Practice evaluation questionnaire (CoPeval)
- The concept of learning organizations
- The Impact of Advance Care Planning on Healthcare Professionals' Well-being: A Systematic Review
- The Involvement Matrix: Involvement of patients in projects and research
- The Quebec team leading the international PaRIS-OECD survey publishes a recommendations report
- The SSA-RUISSS teams are completed
- The Unit contributed to the Portrait sur les politiques publiques de l’Observatoire des tout-petits
- The Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec and the Quebec College of Family Physicians have collaborated to evaluate the scalability of innovations in primary care
- The Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec announces its COVID-19 services
- The Unité de soutien SSA Québec develops orientations for learning family medecine groups (FMGs)
- The Unité de soutien SSA Québec helps the City of Québec adopt the Learning City model
- The Unité de soutien SSA Québec helps to develop a new decision aid for lung cancer screening in Quebec
- The Unité de soutien SSA Québec supports the new Chair in Sustainable Health Research
- TorSaDE
- TorSaDE data cohort now more available
- Training and webinars for summer 2020
- Training on the life-course with illness approach
- Training: Evaluating Patient Engagement in Research
- Trainings
- Understanding research: a website to demystify the basic concepts of research
- Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec has published its 2014–2021 activity report for the community
- Webinar and survey: Implications of a lack of access to information for public health
- Webinar on ENGAGE: a project to involve low-literacy patients in research
- What are neurocognitive disorders?
- What is a Living Lab?
- What is the value of patient-reported outcomes and experience measures for clinical practice?
- White paper on partnering with patients and the public
- Working in partnership in health and social services: a team testifies to its success