
5 winners of the Learning Health System Poster Competition

Learn about the 5 winners and watch the nominees' videos to discover exciting topics related to the Quadruple Aim and the Learning Health System.

As part of the symposium “Building Québec’s Learning Health System Together”held on March 24, 2022, we invited graduate students to submit a proposal related to one or more of the following themes: patient experience and outcomes, population health, system efficiency, and the well-being of health and social services human resources.

Applicants submitted high quality proposals in accordance with the following scientific evaluation criteria:

  1. Relevance of the project to the Unit’s priority themes
  2. Quality of outreach 
  3. Scientific rigor 
  4. Quality of language and visual presentation
  5. Compliance with presentation guidelines

We sincerely thank the members of the evaluation committee:

  • Anaïs Lacasse, responsible for the cohort analysis expertise on care and service trajectories
  • Alain Vanasse, scientific director of Unité de soutien SSA Québec from 2018-2021.
  • Ghyslaine Rouly, patient partner
  • Marie-Pierre Gagnon, scientific co-director of the RUISSS Partnership branch at Université Laval
  • Marie-Dominique Beaulieu, professor at the Université de Montréal and director of the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec from 2014-2017

Congratulations to the winners of the poster competition!

  • Grand Prize ($1000): Asmaa Housni
  • Public Choice Award ($500): Virginie Blanchette
  • Better Outreach (500$): Julie Massé
  • Better Visual(500$): Liset Rodriguez & Kayla O’Sullivan (ex æquo)

Asmaa Housni – Grand Prize

Virginie Blanchette – Public Choice Award

Julie Massé – Better Outreach Prize

Meilleure vulgarisation: Julie Massé

Lisa Rodriguez-Ojea & Kayla O’Sullivan-Steben (ex æquo) – Better Visual Prize

Nearly 20 applications

Watch videos of all the candidates and learn about exciting topics related to the Quadruple Aim and the Learning Health System.

  • Skills development, training and mentoring