Learning Health System

Patient-oriented research gives us the means to match our ambitions: It allows us to establish a Learning Health System in which all resources are united so that people can receive the right services, from the right staff, at the right time and in the right place.

Transforming our health care system’s culture

What is a Learning Health System (LHS)?

services practices, with and for the public

It’s measuring, analyzing, taking action…and measuring again!

  • From practices to data
  • From data to knowledge
  • From knowledge to clinical and organizational practices

For a health system to continuously improve, it must repeat the learning cycle.

It’s integrating partnership and data science into health care and social

In a learning health system, all forces come together to eliminate working in isolation. There is a partnership between:

  • Research
  • Healthcare
  • Social services
  • Management
  • The population
Unité de soutien SSA Québec. (2022). Learning Health Sytem in partnership. [Illustration]. Web site of Unité de soutien SSA Québec. https://ssaquebec.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/ssa_partenariat_illustration_eng-1024×1024.jpg

To ensure that people receive the right services, at the right time, in the right place, with the right staff for their condition. This is called improving care trajectories. These trajectories should be as easy to follow as a recipe.

Theoretical models of learning health systems

The Unité de soutien SSA Québec reflects on and documents the concept of a learning health system in Quebec, based on the framework for value-creating learning health systems by Matthew Menear, PhD, and colleagues, and aligned with the Learning Health System Action Framework by Robert Reid, PhD, PhD, and colleagues.

Framework for value-creating learning health systems by Matthew Menear, PhD, and colleagues
Learning Health System Action Framework by Robert Reid, PhD, PhD, and colleagues

Scientific Watch on LHS

Discover news, resources and scientific articles related to learning health systems in this monthly scientific watch.

What is POR?

Patient-oriented research (POR) is a partnership between patients, the public and any person or organization working in health in the areas of research, care and social services.


POR allows a transformation of the role of patients, moving them from passive recipients of services to proactive partners. This means they participate in research, health care and social services as co-researchers, partners in their care and experts in living with disease.

Since its inception, the Unit has placed patient oriented research at the heart of its initiatives.

Fulfilling Our Ambitions

POR gives us the means to achieve our ambitions by making it possible to establish a LHS.


Brigitte Guérin, Ph. D

Your leadership and various discussions led me to reflect on another dimension of the disease—the emotional impact—that cannot be found in the scientific literature. I wonder whether suffering and hardship in the face of disease can lead to great generosity and kindness…but clearly you do an extraordinary job of bringing a human dimension to the disease, which isn’t always the case. I am convinced that this collaboration with patient partners will make us better researchers with a greater understanding of the diseases that we want to diagnose and treat. We hope that we will be able to give them something in return and listen… especially when their time is so precious. A very sincere thank you.

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What is SPOR?

The Unité de soutien SSA Québec is a provincial unit of the national SPOR network funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

The Canadian Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) was launched by the CIHR in 2014.

« Afin de créer des environnements dans tout le pays dans lesquels la recherche axée sur le patient peut prospérer et, finalement, stimuler un changement profond dans le système de santé, la SRAP nécessite les connaissances, l’assistance et l’engagement de nombreux intervenants. » – Source: IRSC

In order to implement patient-oriented research in Canada, the CIHR has signed funding partnerships with:

  • Provinces and territories
  • Philanthropic organizations
  • Educational establishments
  • Health charities

This commitment helps ensure that studies are focused on the priorities set by patients, leading to better outcomes for patients. – Source: IRSC