As part of the PATIenTS program, RUISSS McGill is launching its project to improve a care pathway related to respiratory infections. Alexandra de Pokomandy, Sonia Lussier and Araceli Gonzalez Reyes, respectively co-scientific director, co-patient partner and coordinator of the SSA-RUISSS McGill team of the Unité de soutien SSA Québec, will ensure that the project is aligned with the priorities of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux and of the Unité and that it promotes partnership and the patient perspective.
The various stakeholders will identify portions of the care pathway that need improvement. The assumption is that many of the problems identified and the feasible and acceptable solutions will be in the areas of prevention, disease management in the home, and utilization of physician visits.

Impact measurement
As part of the project to improve a care pathway related to respiratory infections in the RUISSS McGill territory, the project team identified elements that could be measured to assess the impact of the project on each of the elements of the quintuple aim.

PATIenTS Program
The Unité de soutien SSA Québec has launched the Partnerships for the Improvement of Life Pathways and Innovation in Transition to Sustainable Health (PATIenTS) program in collaboration with the four integrated university health and social services networks (RUISSS) in 2022. Through the PATIenTS program, the activation of Québec’s learning health system is being carried out in the RUISSS territories of Quebec through four concrete projects over a one-year period.