Annual reports

The Unit contributed to the Portrait sur les politiques publiques de l’Observatoire des tout-petits

In April 2021, the Observatoire des tout-petits published its first public policy portrait. It provided ideas on what to do for early childhood development in Quebec and the role of public policy.

An interesting point: the document contains a section entirely devoted to early childhood realities in First Nations. Dr. Hervé Tchala Vignon Zomahoun, Nathalie Rheault and José Massougbodji, of the Unité de soutien SRAP du Québec, contributed to the literature review and the extraction of convincing data related to various research questions. Dr. Zomahoun also helped revise the report.

This reference work was completed thanks to the exceptional drive and dedication of more than 60 experts and stakeholders in the field who agreed to take part in the endeavour over a two-year period.

The Observatoire des tout-petits

For more information and to read the portrait (in French)

  • Implementation and change management