
Écosanté: enhancing knowledge, competencies and collaboration opportunities related to health economics

31 August 2021


Écosanté aims to enhance knowledge, competencies and collaboration opportunities related to health economics, in particular health economic assessment.


The project is led by a group of health economics experts. A Quebec-wide effort, the project includes researchers from each of the four RUISSSs. It is co-managed by Maude Laberge, assistant professor in the operations and decision systems department of Université Laval and by Thomas Poder, researcher at UETMISSS and the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CRCHUS), CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. 


Maude Laberge, Ph.D. is assistant professor in the operations and decision systems department of Université Laval. She holds a doctorate in health services research from the University of Toronto. Her research focuses on measuring the performance of health care systems, institutions and care providers, including the analysis of health care costs, efficiency, equity and results. She is interested in evaluating health care policies and interventions from an economic perspective, with a particular focus on frontline care and services.


Thomas Poder, Ph.D., researcher at UETMISSS and at the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CRCHUS), CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS. Researcher Thomas G Poder holds a doctorate in economics and specializes in cost-benefit analyses. At the CHUS research centre, he focuses on questions of effectiveness of new medical technologies and new ways to organize care, as well as their efficacy of their use. This includes the evaluation of technologies such as the implantable Doppler and cold caps, as well as the development of interdisciplinary practices. Dr. Poder also works on the development of QALY, the measure of patient quality of life, studying the determining factors affecting patient health and promoting the benefits of medical interventions.


Erin Strumpf, Ph.D. is an associate professor in the Department of Economics and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University. She received her Ph.D. in health policy (economics specialization) from Harvard University. Her research in health economics focuses on measuring the impacts of policies designed to improve the delivery of health care services and improve health outcomes. She uses quasi-experimental designs to examine the real-world effects of health care spending, health outcomes and social inequalities. She has presented her work to provincial ministries of health and finance in Canada and to policymakers in France and the United States.


Roxane Borgès da Silva, Ph.D., is a professor within the faculty of nursing sciences at Université de Montréal. She holds a master’s degree in econometrics (specialization: public economics and health economics, 2003), from the Université d’Aix-Marseille II (France) and also has a Magistère Ingénieur Économiste diploma from the same university (2004). She also holds a doctorate in public health (specialization: health care organization, 2010) from the Université de Montréal. Roxane Borgès Da Silva’s research interests relate to the analysis and evaluation of the organization of frontline services and the development of performance and quality indicators. In particular, she focuses on the evolution in the organization of frontline services and its effects on the use of health care services by the public. She is also interested in the effects of health care policies related to the organization of health care services, professional practices and collaboration.


Jason Robert Guertin, Ph.D., is an assistant professor at the social and preventive medicine department at Université Laval. His fields of interest primarily involve the role of health economic assessment with respect to the evaluation of health care technologies and the methodological applications and constraints related to economic assessment in non-randomized situations. He also teaches the introductory course on health economic assessment offered by Université Laval.


Simon Berthelot, M.D., M.Sc., CCMF(MU), FRCPC is assistant professor at the department of family medicine and emergency medicine at Université Laval, Junior 1 clinical scholar of the Fonds de recherche du Québec en Santé, and specialist in emergency medicine at the CHU de Québec-Université Laval. His main research interests are in performance assessment and the value of care, the measurement of health care services costs, overdiagnosis and overtreatment.


France Légaré, B.Sc. ARCH, MD, M.Sc., Ph.D., CCMF, FCMF, director of the “Learning Health System” component of the Unité de soutien SSA Québec. Dr. Légaré obtained a bachelor’s degree in architecture from Université Laval, family medicine in Québec City in 1990, with a master’s in community health. She is a professor at the department of family medicine at Université Laval. In 2005, she obtained a doctorate in population health at the University of Ottawa. She also holds a Canada Research Chair in Shared Decision Making and Knowledge Translation and is a researcher at the Axe Santé des populations et pratiques optimales en santé.


Hervé Tchala Vignon Zomahoun, Ph.D. Scientific coordinator of the Learning Health System component of the Unité de soutien SSA Québec and coordinates the activities at Cochrane Canada Francophone. His interests are centred on meta-analyses, epidemiological statistics, observational studies and advanced statistical analyses.


Annie Poirier, M.Sc., research professional with the population health and optimal health practices component and patient partner at Direction collaboration et partenariat patient and Unité de Soutien SSA Québec. Ms. Poirier holds two bachelor’s degrees (in biomedical sciences and health sciences), as well as a master’s degree in public health—assessment. She is interested in improving the quality of health and social services, the patient-partnership approach and interprofessional collaboration.


Christian Chabot, patient-partner at Unité de Soutien SSA Québec. He has extensive experience in health care as a patient and as a representative of major health care organizations. He is a member of the continuous quality improvement senior advisory committee for the GMF-Us of Quebec. He contributes to the Institut Universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec’s clinical plan by mapping patient pathways for cardiac surgery, providing possible solutions to make it more effective and efficient. He is the co-author of two research projects related to the development of healthy lifestyles and treatment decisions. He is actively involved in various other initiatives, both at the provincial and federal levels, and is also interested in public education.


Pascale Laveault-Allard, third-year doctoral medicine student and undergraduate economics student at Université Laval. Initially a teaching and research assistant in health economics, she is interested in the distribution of resources in health, with a goal of improving integration and access to health care for all.


Myriam Gaudreault, B.Sc., M.B.A., research professional for Projet Écosanté 2 affiliated with the department of operations and decision systems in the faculty of management sciences at Université Laval. She has a bachelor’s in psychology and is interested in improving access to health care services as well as the quality of frontline care.

The project provides several deliverables

  • Cartographie des ressources en économie et évaluation économique en santé
  • Formation en présentiel
    • Cette formation sert d’introduction aux notions de bases et à des méthodes d’analyse utilisées en économie de la santé. Elle s’adresse aux équipes qui souhaitent intégrer une évaluation économique dans leurs projets de recherche. De telles évaluations peuvent rendre les demandes de subvention plus compétitives aux concours des grands organismes. subventionnaires
  • Une revue systématique
    • Quels sont les outils visant à mesurer les coûts reliés à la santé dans la perspective du patient et de la patiente? Pour le découvrir, l’équipe du projet Écosanté réalise actuellement une revue systématique.
  • Outil de mesure des coûts de la maladie pour les patientes et patients. En savoir plus
  • Capsules vidéo de formation

Here are two videos on the basics of health economics and economic evaluation. They are designed for a diverse clientele to introduce them to the key concepts of what has become an essential field. They are made for managers, clinical and research staff, and citizens who want to better understand and integrate into the health care system.

Basic series

A series of four modules addressing the major themes in health economics and economic assessment in health care. These videos are specifically designed for the general public:

  • Introduction à l’économie de la santé
  • Les types de coûts
  • Qualité de vie
  • L’allocation des ressources

Advanced series

A series of 12 modules covering advanced topics in health economics and economics assessment specifically designed for researchers, clinical staff and managers in health and social services:

  • Introduction à l’économie de la santé
  • Les types de coûts
  • Les évaluations économiques
  • Les types d’évaluations
  • Qualité de vie et utilité
  • Les perspectives des évaluations économiques
  • Sources de données en évaluation économique au Québec
  • Enjeux éthiques des évaluations économiques
  • L’actualisation des coûts et des bénéfices
  • Le résultat des analyses économiques : le ratio coût-efficacité incrémentiel
  • L’interprétation du ratio coût-efficacité incrémentiel
  • Les méthodes directes d’estimation de l’utilité
  • Les méthodes indirectes d’estimation de l’utilité
  • Health economics
  • Implementation and change management