
Practical guide to the coach patient profile


The purpose of this guide is to support the integration of a patient partner coach in a team or a project.


Bureau du partenariat, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal (2016). Québec, Canada.

MISSING LINK (Document in French)

Scientific Rigor

  • Patient and Public perspective 3.7/5
  • Usability 4/5
  • Comprehensiveness 3.7/5

Assessment Grid

When evaluating patient and public partnership tools, we used the following evaluation grid. It can also be used by the research community to determine the relevance of various PPP engagement assessment tools.We provide a five-star rating for each of the following four criteria:

  • Patient/Public Perspective: Does the tool take into account the views of patients and the public (both in its development and use)?
  • Comprehensiveness : Is the tool comprehensive in evaluating the context, process, outcomes and impacts of patient and public engagement?
  • Usability: Is the tool easy to use?