
Environmental Scan: The use of patient-reported experience and outcomes (PREMs and PROMs)

Professor Marie-Ève Poitras' team conducted an environmental scan (practice identification study) to know the current state of knowledge and use of measures of health status and experience of care self-reported by patients in professional organizations as well as in organizations representing patients in Québec.
7 November 2022

In the fall of 2021, the Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec mandated Professor Marie-Ève Poitras’ team to carry out an environmental scan (practice identification study) to know the current state of knowledge and use of measures of patient-reported experience and outcomes (PREMs and PROMs) in professional organizations as well as in organizations representing patients in Québec.


  • Anaëlle Morin
  • Caroline Cormier
  • Diana Zidarov
  • Geneviève David
  • Hervé Tchala Vignon Zomahoun
  • Jeannie Haggerty
  • Jessica Bernier
  • Magaly Brodeur
  • Marie-Dominique Poirier
  • Marie-Eve Poitras
  • Maude Laberge
  • Priscilla Beaupré
  • Sylvie Lambert
  • Régina Visca
  • Sara Ahmed
  • Thomas Poder
  • Vanessa T Vaillancourt


Here are 2 of the findings:

  • L’utilisation des PROMs et des PREMs pour optimiser les soins de routine est méconnue de la plupart des organisations professionnelles et des organisations de patientes et patients.
  • L’intégration des PREMs par des questionnaires validés est une pratique complètement absente au sein des organisations professionnelles participantes.
  • PREMs
  • PROMs