
PREMs and PROMs Toolkit: Patient-reported outcome and experience measures

Although most professional or patient organizations claim to incorporate the concept of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) or Patient-Reported Experience Measures (PREMs), how the information is collected is not necessarily adequate. To be compliant, PROMs and PREMs must be measured using scientifically validated tools and must be completed by patients. Let's see together the definition of PROMs and PREMs and what characterizes them.

Written by: Poitras M E, T Vaillancourt V, Beaupré P, Emond M J, Perron M E, Fournier A (2023)

Toolkit content

  • PREMs, PROMS or not?
  • PROMs and PREMs : Why are they a key to improving health care and services ?
  • Possible barriers to the integration of PROMs and PREMs and the means to put in place to overcome them
  • Relevant general documentation
  • Recommendations

Although most professional or patient organizations claim to integrate the concept of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) or patient-reported experience measures (PREMs), the way in which information is collected is not necessarily adequate. To be compliant, PROMs and PREMs must be measured using scientifically-validated tools that must be completed by patients. Find out what PROMs and PREMs are and what characterizes them.

Although answering questions about the PROMs et PREMs measurement tools may require the help of another person, these must be completed by the patients. Thus, they DO NOT INCREASE THE WORKLOAD OF CLINICIANS. These tools can be completed before or after an appointment by the person or with the help of the administrative staff or a caregiver.

Source: Toolkit Patient-reported outcome and experience measures. Content produced for the SSA Quebec Unit.
PROMs/PREMs arePROMs/PREMs are not
+ Patient’s perception of their health status or health services received x Issued from “in-house” questionnaire not validated
+ Issued from validated questionnaires constructed using a rigorous method in collaboration with patients. x Issued from a conversation with a patient
+ Issued from questionnaires completed by patientsx Based on questionnaires completed by professional staff rather than by a patient
+ Quantitative and have an accessible literacy levelx Qualitative
+ Applicable to different populations
This is an extract from the toolbox
  • PREMs
  • PROMs