
A practice facilitator for continuous quality improvement initiatives including COMPAS+

The Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec is pleased to welcome Johannie Laliberté-Gagné to its team as a facilitator of clinical and organizational practices in outreach services, particularly in the context of the COMPAS+ initiative.

Longueuil, Thursday, November 3, 2022 – The Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec is pleased to welcome Johannie Laliberté-Gagné to its team as a facilitator of clinical and organizational practices in the field of outreach services, particularly in the context of the COMPAS+ initiative.

Consolidate the continuous quality improvement brigade in Québec

The Unit has been mandated by the Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux (MSSS) to act as a conductor of continuous quality improvement (hereinafter referred to as CQI) activities, reflexivity and support for changes in practices in community-based services, and is working on developing an action plan.

One of the Unit’s goals is to consolidate human resources in CQI in Québec. Under the direction of the Unit, in collaboration with the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (hereinafter referred to as INESSS), Ms. Laliberté-Gagné’s role will be complementary to that of the people already mobilized and in action: the provincial CQI coordinator, the CQI officers, liaison officers, facilitators of targeted projects and change agents, as well as those responsible for facilitating communities of practice.

Facilitate the use of scientific knowledge in the field

It is essential to use scientific data to improve management, care and services within the Québec health and social services network. It is also essential to adopt a reflective approach, that is, to take a critical look at how we operate in order to do better. To achieve this, we must support the interest of the network’s professionals and managers, accompany them in the implementation of organizational change plans and facilitate their access to knowledge and advances in the reflexive approach. This will be the mandate of the Practice Facilitator, particularly with regard to facilitating the use of the reflexive reports produced by the INESSS, continuing education in CQI, as well as the sharing of knowledge, replication and scaling of continuous improvement initiatives, including COMPAS+.   

About the Unité de soutien SSA Québec

The Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec is a provincial unit of the national Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR) funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). It works to enable continuous improvement in the health system and in the care and services of the population. Its pan-Quebec team mobilizes and supports the research, health and social services communities. It brings together several researchers who work within or outside the province’s health and social services institutions. For more details or to request a service, click here.